Welcome to Hoskin Golf Events
Moving forward Hoskin Financial Solutions has teamed up with Green Board Room Golf to ensure that our 18 hole Golf networking events will exclusively for our partners and introducers will move to a much higher level to ensure that our clients and contacts can speak to the right people whilst on the course and in the clubhouse.
Starting in 2020 Hoskin Commercial Insurance will be hosting a monthly 18 holes Golf and Networking event, details will be sent out in January.
at ahis onBeing able to spend quality time with a potential client or supplier is the best way to secure a long-lasting relationship. Not everyone can justify the time out of the office without being able to pinpoint what they are going to get out of the day.
We will however still be running our summer Tuesday late afternoon 9 holes FUN events at Maldon Golf Club just around the corner from our office. Because these are just for fun all standards of golfers welcome even if you have never held a club in anger before.
Final Event for 2020 is on Tuesday 27th October 18 hole events.
- Tuesday 27th October – 18 hole year end competition at Five Lakes Golf Club
So here is a rough outline on how all our events work.
Targeted pairings and four balls for our partners and introducers.
As one of our partners you will be asked what type of client you want to play with, you might even have a specific client in mind. We’ll make sure you get to meet the people that will help your business. If you want to bring a client or prospect we’ll make sure they are catered for too.
Great venues
Because of our partnership with Green Boardroom Golf we’ll be holding events across the county at courses we know will provide a good test of golf for all abilities. They’ll be courses you probably haven’t played, but we know you’ll want to play again. The Grove, Worburn, The Shire just to name a few.
Event packs
Partners can have their literature handed out to everyone that attends. The events are going to be better than ever. If you want to benefit from our event then contact Wayne or Lee for all details.